
Suzhou WeiDeJie

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Suzhou WeiDejie

Widger liquid nitrogen machine10 industry standard revision units

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Suzhou Weinajie ultra-low temperature refrigeration equipment Co., LTD

Suzhou Weidejie ultra-low temperature refrigeration equipment Co., LTD

Contact person:Mr. Sun
Contact information:18915658577
Service telephone:400-6606-150
Sales telephone:0512-57256337
Production address:No. 19, Hongxing Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City

Sales address:Room 1216, Building 3, Dongchuang Science and Technology Center, No. 1 Hongfeng Road, Enterprise Science and Technology Park, Kunshan Development Zone

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Release Date: 1970-01-01 Content Comes From: http://www.medwang.cn/en/

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